Funny insurance jokes that keep you reading
Farmer needs insurance
The barn of a farmer had burnt down and he asked the insurance man for 50,000 usd.
The insurance agent “We do not give money, we build you a similar barn instead. The same goes for example with your car, if its stolen we just give you a similar car, same make, year and milage as your own car – no money.
The farmer “If that is your system I want to cancel my wifes insurance!”
The Boss
A sales rep, an administration clerk and their manager are walking to
lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.
They rub it and a genie comes out in a puff of smoke. The Genie says, “I usually only
grant three wishes, so I’ll give each of you just one.”
“Me first! Me first!” says the admin clerk. “I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a
speedboat, without a care in the world.” Poof! She’s gone.
In astonishment, “Me next! Me next!” says the sales rep. “I want to be in Hawaii,
relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life.” Poof! He’s gone.
“OK, you’re up,” the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, “I want those two back in the office after lunch.”
Moral of story: always let your boss have the first say.
Best At Sales
A man walks into an insurance office and asks for a job.
“Sorry, we don’t need anyone…” they replied.
“You can’t afford not to hire me. I can sell anyone anything anytime!”
“Well, we have two prospects that no one has been able to sell. If you can sell just one, then you have a job.”
He was gone about two hours and returned and handed them two checks, one for $25,000 and another for $50,000.
“How in the world did you do that?” they asked.
“I told you I’m the worlds best salesman, I can sell anyone anything, anytime!”
“Did you get a urine sample?” they asked him.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Well, if you sell a policy over $20,000 the company requires a urine sample. Now take these two bottles and go back and get urine samples.”
He was gone about 8 hours and the office was about to close, when in he walks in with two five gallon buckets, one in each hand. He sets the buckets down and reaches in his shirt pocket and produces two bottles of urine and sets them on the desk and says, “Here’s Mr. Jone’s and this one is Mrs. Johnson’s.”
“That’s good,” they said, “but what’s in those two buckets?”
“Well, I passed by the school house and they were having a state teachers convention , so I stopped and sold them a group policy!”
Choir Frog
One fine sunny morning, a priest took a walk in the local forest. He had been walking by the small stream when he noticed a sad, sad looking frog sitting on a toadstool.
“What’s wrong with you?” said the priest.
“Well,” said the frog, “the reason I am so sad on this fine day is because I wasn’t always a frog.”
“Really!” said the priest. “Can you explain!”
“Once upon a time I was an 11 year old Choir boy at the local church. I too was walking through this forest when I was confronted by the wicked witch of the forest. ’Let me pass!’ I yelled, but to no avail. She called me a cheeky little boy and with a flash of her wand, turned me into this frog you see before you.”
“That’s an incredible story” said the priest. “Is there no way of reversing this spell that the witch has cast upon you?.”
“Yes” said the frog, “It is said, that if a nice kind person would pick me up, take me home, give me food & Warmth and with a good nights sleep would wake up a boy once again.”
“Today’s your lucky day!” said the priest, and picked up the frog and took him home. The priest gave the frog lots of food, placed him by the fire and at bedtime put the frog on the pillow beside him. When the priest awoke, he saw the 11-year-old Choirboy beside him in bed,
“And that my lord is the case for the Defense……. ”
An agent, broker, and actuary are all caught drinking smuggled liquor while staying in Saudi Arabia. Under Saudi law, simply possessing alcohol is an offense punishable by death.
However, the local prince is feeling generous that day, so he commutes the death sentence and instead sentences each to 20 lashes. After further thought, the prince does not want to offend the American government, so he also grants each a wish to ease their suffering.
The broker is punished first because he drank the most.
“What is your wish?”, asks the saudi prince.
“I’d like to have a pillow on my back,” replies the broker.
So a pillow is placed on his back, and the punishment begins. The pillow holds up for about 10 lashes, after which the broker screams out in pain.
The actuary had only a few drinks, so he is punished next.
“I’d like to have two pillows on my back,” boldly states the actuary.
So two pillows are placed on his back, and the punishment begins. The pillows hold up for about 15 lashes, after which the actuary screams out in pain.
Finally, the agent steps forward. Of the three, he was the only one who didn’t drink. The Saudi prince is impressed by this, and grants him two wishes.
The agent then states, “Well, for my first wish, I want to receive 100 lashes, not 20.”
“Your courage is impressive,” states the prince. “and for your second wish?”
“Strap the actuary onto my back”, replies the agent.